Closed-Loop Increases Time-in-Range in Older Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Compared with Sensor-Augmented Pump Therapy: A Randomized Crossover Trial
In this medfyle
Expert commentary by Carmella Evans-Molina, MD, PhD
This Medfyle was published more than two years ago. More recent Medfyle on this topic may now be available.
This is a highlights summary of an oral session given at the ADA 2021 - 81st Scientific Sessions and presented by:
Sybil A. McAuley, PhD
The University of Melbourne and St Vincent’s Hospital
Melbourne, Australia
The content is produced by Infomedica, the official reporting partner of ADA 2021.
The presenting authors of the original session had no part in the creation of this conference highlights summary.
In addition, an expert commentary on the topic has been provided by:
Carmella Evans-Molina, MD, PhD
Indiana University School of Medicine
About the Expert
Carmella Evans-Molina, MD, PhD
Indiana University School of Medicine
Dr. Carmella Evans-Molina is the Eli Lilly Professor of Pediatric Diabetes at the Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine in Indianapolis, IN, USA, where she serves as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Indiana Diabetes Research Center and the IU Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases. She is a Staff Physician at the Roudebush Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center. On a national level, Dr. Evans-Molina serves as a Co-Executive Director of the Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD). She is a Co-PI of the NIH Integrated Islet Distribution Program, and she is a member of the Executive Committee of the ADA Science and Health Care Council.
Dr. Evans-Molina’s basic science research is focused on understanding how impaired calcium handling in the secretory pathway contributes to β cell dysfunction in diabetes. In addition, she has a clinical research interest focused on defining the natural history of β cell loss in type 1 diabetes, the use of “omics” approaches to identify novel serum biomarkers of β cell stress in pre-symptomatic diabetes, and clinical trial interventions focused on preservation of β cell function in type 1 diabetes. Her research is funded by the NIH, JDRF, and the Veteran's Affairs Research Program. She is an investigator in the NIH-funded Type 1 Diabetes Trialnet Network, the Rare and Atypical DIAbetes NeTwork (RADIANT), and the Type 1 Diabetes in Acute Pancreatitis Consortium. Dr. Evans-Molina serves as an Associate Editor of the journal Diabetes.
Disclosures: Advisory Board Provention Bio, Isla Technologies, MaiCell Technologies; Paid consultant Dompe Pharmaceuticals; Unpaid consultant Pfizer Pharmaceuticals; In-kind research support from Bristol Myers Squibb and Nimbus Pharmaceuticals; Investigator initiated grant from Eli Lilly and Company; Patent: Extracellular Vesicle Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Cargo as a Biomarker of Hyperglycaemia and Type 1 Diabetes (2018-075-03)
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