Seeking Care, Diagnosis, and Acute Prescription for Migraine Among Those with Headache-related Disability: Results of the OVERCOME Study
This Medfyle was published more than two years ago. More recent Medfyle on this topic may now be available.
Key messages
- This analysis of the OVERCOME study determined the proportion of people with migraine and associated disability who traverse each of the steps inthe patient journey and compared individuals at each step for sociodemographic features, migraine-related characteristics, and healthcare utilization for migraine.
- Only a small proportion (27.9%) of those with headache-related disability traverse all 3 steps to getting recommended acute medication for migraine
- Having health insurance and having severe migraine-related disability were positively related to traversing each step, while seeking care in an Emergency Department/Urgent Care/Retail Clinic only is less likely to lead to appropriate diagnosis and/or receiving recommended acute medications relative to seeking care in a specialist or primary care setting
Presenting Author
Susan Hutchinson, MD
Orange County Migraine and Headache Center
Irvine, California
Dr. Susan Hutchinson is the Director of Orange County Migraine & Headache Center in Irvine, California. She is board-certifed in Family Medicine and UCNS certified in Headache Medicine. She served as Section Chair of the Women's Issues Section of AHS from 2005 to 2010. She is the current the President of The Headache Cooperative of the Pacific (HCOP).
Author disclosures
Susan Hutchinson, MD: Alder (Membership on Advisory Committees or Review Panels) (Other Financial or Material Support, Advisory board member)